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Donate to Tracker Academy


Tracker Academy offers a number of payment platforms to allow for donations to be made from anywhere in the world.

Make a donation

From the United States

Donate using a credit card.

Our US online donations can be made through our payment partners, Classy. You will be provided with the 501(c) tax certificate.

US Direct Deposit or EFT

Correspondent Bank
Wells Fargo Bank International, San Francisco

FirstBank (For further credit to)
Acc number: 3861253551
ABA Number: 107005047
Swift code: FBCRUS51

US Cheque Payments

Bank cheques can be mailed to
Address line 1
Address line 2

Make a donation

From South Africa

Donate using a credit card.

Our South African online donations can be made through payment partners, iKhokha.

All donations to the college by South African companies or South African affiliates of foreign companies are tax deductible in the hands of the donor in terms of and subject to the limitations prescribed in section 18A of the Income Tax Act.

SA Direct Deposit or EFT

SA College for Tourism
Name of bank
Acc number: 12345
Branch Code: 12345


Make a donation

From the United Kingdom

UK Direct Deposit of EFT

Friends of Peace Parks Trust
Bank name: CAF (Charities & Foundation)
Branch: West Malling
Sort code: 40 52 40
Acc number: 00037450
IBAN no: GB44CAFB4052400037450

Make a donation

Contribute towards our Endowment Fund

Please provide details to appear here.

Enquiries and Contact Details

SA College for Tourism - Tracker Academy

Magazine Hill
PO Box 314



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Copyright 2025 © SA College For Tourism, Tracker Academy, Graaff Reinet, South Africa

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